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Using xbms is quite simple. Just follow the instructions in INSTALL included in the source tarball, edit xbms.conf, that's it.
xbms.conf is offering various options:

-i [address]
Bind xbms to a specific interface, e.g. to bind it to your local LAN. This has to be done for security reasons, you don't want other people stream your movies over internet, do you? ;)

-d [media dir]
The directory to be shared, e.g. /mnt/mp3 or /home/foo/mp3 or whatever.

-p [port]
The port xbms should listen at. Defaults to 1400, so there is almost no reason to change it, unless you KNOW what you do.

-u [username]
The user xbms should run as. You might want xbms to run as nobody, maybe you even want to have a dedicated xbms-user for additional security.
If you plan on running xbms from a user account, you NEED to state your own username.

-g [groupname]
The group xbms should belong to. Generally, this has to be the group your user stated by -u belongs to.

-D [level]
Debug mode, level does state the verbose depth (level 2 is VERY verbose.)

-c [configfile]
If you plan on using a config different from /etc/xbms.conf, you need to state it HERE.

-l [logfile]
Well, this is self-explanatory. At least I hope so. ;)

List all command-line options, vulgo: help.